Tutto questo è Decoral Group.

Siamo una grande impresa, tutta italiana che dagli anni Settanta ad oggi ha la soluzione giusta per qualsiasi progetto. Per farlo, continuiamo a rivoluzionare la nobilitazione dell’alluminio: dall’ossidazione anodica, alla verniciatura a polvere e decorazione dei metalli.

We are pioneers by nature.

As the inventors of the wood effect, we were the first to recognize aluminium as a sustainable alternative to other materials, thanks to our patented Decoral technology, introduced in 1995.

Read our story

We are a unique partner.

By managing the entire aluminium finishing process, we can offer solutions that ensure the best possible outcomes, customized to each need. We oversee every stage of the project—from raw sheet to decorative finish, from beginning to end.

Discover our divisions.

We are committed to the environment.

Our finishes, which have low VOC emissions, are applied to aluminum—a 100% recyclable material—using an eco-friendly production process. These sustainable practices are key elements of our supply chain.

See our commitment in action.

Have questions? Contact us.



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