Everything we do: supply of coils and sheets, industrial powder coating, anodic oxidation, and wood-effect decoration.

We are your ideal partner for transforming ideas into reality with our high-quality powder coating, decoration, and anodizing services. Our product range includes raw and coated aluminum sheets, profiles, and coils, complemented by powder coatings in a vast array of colors and effects. From start to finish, we work closely with you to deliver coordinated, exceptional results that save time and exceed expectations.

The services.

Verniciatura a polvere su estrusi, laminati e accessori in alluminio. Ampia scelta di finiture, da RAL standard a personalizzate per soddisfare qualsiasi tipo di esigenza.


Ossidazione anodica, sia standard che dura, associabile a trattamenti chimici e meccanici come brillantatura, burattura, graffiatura, lucidatura e spazzolatura. Da applicare su accessori e profili di alluminio.


Decorazione effetto legno con processo brevettato di sublimazione Decoral su profili, lamiere e oggettistica. Ampia scelta di decori con garanzia di elevata resistenza.


The products.

Laminati grezzi con differenti leghe di alluminio in pronta consegna. Servizi di spianatura, taglio, pellicolatura e stoccaggio profilati.

Sheets and profiles.

Coils in diverse leghe di alluminio, verniciati in continuo con un impianto di ultima generazione.


Polveri per verniciatura con effetti decorativi dalle innumerevoli proprietà estetiche e tecniche. Disponibili anche in formato minibox.

Coating powders.

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Our know-how.

We pride ourselves on being specialists in metal surface enhancement, producing the materials we need in-house.

Our in-house production includes coating powders, heat-transfer films, and innovative plants for decorating all kinds of metals. Our in-house production capabilities include coating powders, sublimation films, and advanced systems for decorating various metals. With over 700 installations worldwide, we’ve expanded our expertise beyond national borders, offering complete solutions from production to the precise application of finishes tailored to your needs.

Learn more about Decoral System